Amplify learning and bring your favorite tunes to life.
Construct your very own speaker. Witness the transformation of electrical energy into audible sound, and gain a profound understanding of the physics behind your favorite music.
From the moment you connect your speaker to a device, you'll experience the awe-inspiring transformation of electrical energy into audible sound waves.
Loved by Students
"I really liked this project for a lot of different reasons. I've always wondered how some confusing devices work and a speaker was one of those devices. Now because of this project I know how a speaker is built and the engineering process behind it. One part that I found difficult was when we had to wrap the coil around the dowel rod. And my favorite part is testing it out and putting it in the box. Thank you!"
"Building this was really fun. I want to be an engineer when I get of age and this really helped with my confidence."
"I really enjoyed this because I have never made something like this before and it was a really cool experience to make my own working speaker."
"This was a fun but challenging project that did require a good amount of focus. It was however a great project that I really enjoyed getting to do this year. I did find it a little difficult to get the coil wrapped correctly but I got it soon. I did love putting the speaker in the box and seeing all the hard work pay off and it come together. I thought it was very cool how we stared off with random pieces of cardboard and wire and it came together to create a speaker. But overall I feel that this is an amazing kit and I would definitely recommend to everyone to at least give it a chance even if you don't normally like these type of things because it was a lot of fun."